Little Bird Bible: Jonah Retweeted


Little Bird Bible: Jonah Retweeted takes the famous story of the man who was swallowed by a whale and brings it into the 21st century with accessible language and emojis, all enhanced by “comments” and “replies” from major theological figures, familiar archetypes (Old Church Lady, anyone?) and modern thinkers.

This 88-page innovative bible paraphrase meets commentary will help the story of Jonah come to life in a new way, while enhancing contextual understanding and accessibility that is so often difficult for those approaching the Old Testament.

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Are you looking for a new way to make scripture accessible, engaging, and fun for your community? The Little Bird Bible uses modern communication norms, like emojis, comments, and replies, to bring stories to life in a new way. While fun and accessible, this resource also intentionally adds context and and interpretation to the text, with “comments” from famous theologians across time, archetypal characters (i.e. an Old Church Lady), and modern scholars speaking into and alongside the text.

The book of Jonah, with its famous narrative, complex theology, and (let’s be honest) whiny protagonist, makes for a great entry point into this way of engaging with scripture, and will take on a whole new life with the Little Bird Bible’s engaging format, accessible visuals, and more.

This totally unique, engaging resource, created by Jarrod Conyers, can be used in supplement to more traditional bible study, as educational content on its own, or alongside conversation about social media, technology, and the evolving way we communicate with one other.

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